July 24th – Sunday – CGN meet up in Middlefield, CT
405 Main St. Middlefield Community Center – 06455

We are trying to get CGN back on track and get meetings going again. Ken Wombly and the Middlefield Cemetery Association has invited us to use their local center to do so. We’ll start with a program to introduce first timers to our circle and history. For those long-time members that don’t wish to be in that we also have a second room available to us for socializing and to share thoughts and conversations, and catch up with each other.

9:30am – Welcome to new attendees and first timers..
Q & A time for others you can take the time to visit over coffee in the next room.

10:30 – CGN overall discussion – catch up and concerns – where are we going now
Some discussion on issues regarding laws and how many have expressed concerns about how some cemeteries do things: One good example is the 5-year-old ongoing case of Bridgeport, Park St. Cemetery.

11:30 – Mike and Ken giving an update on work at Old North cemetery

Lunch break and 1:00 meeting up at cemetery to do work and have a tour etc.
Cleaning stones and doing a couple resets. How to and what not to do.

For CGN contact info: Ruthie Brown – shapbrown@cox.net or 860-643-5652
CGN website: WWW.Ctgravestones.org
Ken Wombly – Middlefield Cemetery Association ktwombly1@netzero.net
Michael Carroll – Rediscovering History www.facebook.com/groups/rediscoveringhistory